45 ‘The Simpsons’ Predictions That Came True

Are the writers time travelers, or are they associated to Nostradamus? The Simpsons in no way disappoints viewers with its eerie Simpsons predictions that ring accurate years later. The Simpsons loved ones is created up of many characters, but the key characters are Homer (voiced by Dan Castellaneta), Marge (voiced by Julie Kavner), Lisa (voiced by Yeardley Smith), Bart (voiced by Nancy Cartwright), and Maggie. Each episode is filled with the Simpsons loved ones interacting with other residents of Springfield like guest stars that appeared in some episodes on The Simpsons. Yet what intrigues viewers is how some events have been predicted by The Simpsons writers at least 5 years just before it occurred.

So, what did The Simpsons predict? Could it be that The Simpsons actually predicts planet events or is the planet just following The Simpsons script? With the 35th season of the extended-operating sitcom not too long ago concluding, fans saw a return of far more inventive, potent, and witty storylines that are reminiscent of the beloved classic Simpsons seasons. There’s no doubt that the wild narratives from far more current seasons will be added to the expanding Simpsons predictions list, there is no telling precisely which ones will come accurate in the coming years. The finest Simpsons predictions are not just shocking, they are also generally strange, funny, and somehow make sense all at the identical time.

The Simpsons TV Show Poster

The Simpsons

Release Date
December 17, 1989


Main Genre


45 The Shard

“Lisa’s Wedding” – Season 6, Episode 19 (1995)

The Elizabeth Tower in The Simpson

Many characters from fan-preferred shows will travel to London for its iconic sights, and The Simpsons is no diverse. One of these trips comes with a strange prediction, as Lisa’s future is predicted and a flash-forward portrays her meeting with a fellow university student named Hugh Parkfield through a trip to London.

A blink-and-you are going to-miss-it shot shows a familiar-hunting pointy developing behind Tower Bridge, which is recognizable to several London locals and vacationers who know it right now as The Shard. The only problem? The Shard hadn’t been constructed however at the time the episode aired, as it would only get started becoming constructed in 2009, generating its spot-on place and silhouette just a couple of of the weird predictions from this distinct 1995 episode. Of course, that may perhaps be reading as well substantially into a random developing drawn by a single of the artists from the show, but it is enjoyable to see it that way anyway!

44 America Wins the Gold Medal in Curling

“Boy Meets Curl” Season 21, Episode 12 (2010)

Homer Simpsons competes in the U.S. team for curling at the Olympics in 'The Simpsons' Season 21, Episode 12 "Boy Meets Curl" (2010)
Image through Fox

Everyone loves an underdog story, and The Simpsons have been in a position to predict the most unlikely of tales in the Season 21 episode, “Boy Meets Curl.” Released in 2010, it centers on Homer and Marge as their search for a enjoyable date requires them to the winter sport of curling. Teaming up with Agnes and Seymour Skinner, they are brought into the U.S. Olympics group for the sport and embark on an outstanding run to win gold.

While the episode was released in conjunction with the 2010 Winter Olympics in Canada, it would be eight years later that the prediction would come to fruition when America took house gold at the 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang. Like in “Boy Meets Curl,” the Americans had to topple Sweden to emerge victorious.

43 Ebola Outbreak

“Lisa’s Sax” – Season 9, Episode 3 (1997)

Ebola Virus book from The Simpsons

“Lisa’s Sax” is an episode that tells the origin story of Lisa’s like for the musical instrument. In a single scene, Bart is shown sick and feeling down, so Marge attempts to cheer him up by reading a strangely titled book. The book, titled “Curious George and the Ebola Virus,” is a strange narrative option thinking of Ebola would not be extensively identified till the outbreak in 2000, and then once more in 2014.

The Ebola outbreak back in 2000 created headlines for claiming the lives of 254 persons in the Republic of Congo, and 224 far more in Uganda. It’s bizarre to see the illness featured on The Simpsons, as it was nevertheless fairly unknown by the time the episode premiered. It’s a shaky connection, but a single loyal fans are nevertheless prepared to make and point out.

42 Barbie Mania

“Lisa vs Malibu Stacy” – Season 5, Episode 14 (1994)

Lisa holding a Malibu Stacy doll in "Lisa Vs. Malibu Stacy" Simpsons episode
Image through Walt Disney Company

Greta Gerwig’s comedy hit Barbie became the most significant box workplace achievement of 2023, grossing more than $1.4 billion as it took the planet by storm, enveloping pop culture in pink hysteria with Margot Robbie’s major overall performance becoming instantaneously iconic. While the film was a essential achievement that earned plaudits aplenty for its social commentary, The Simpsons initially pictured a planet engulfed in a doll daze in the Season 5 episode “Lisa vs Malibu Stacy.”

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Touching on themes equivalent to Barbie, the episode focuses on Lisa as she grows concerned about the message that the Malibu Stacy dolls send to small girls about what womanhood can and should really appear like. When her pleas with the doll’s designer see a progressive shift in the solution, mass hysteria requires more than Springfield as everybody reacts to the new variety of dolls on show.

41 Donald Trump Being Arrested

“Lisa vs Malibu Stacy” – Season 5, Episode 14 (1994)

'The Simpsons' newsreader Kent Brockman speaks about a new range of dolls in "Lisa vs Malubu Stacy" (1998).
Image through Fox

Despite becoming released in 1994, “Lisa vs Malibu Stacy” proved to be an episode that held a lot of relevance for viewers in 2023. Not only did it preface the fanfare surrounding Barbie, but it also subtly hinted at Donald Trump’s arrest. On the 24th of August, the former President of the United States surrendered himself to authorities following becoming indicted on charges relating to racketeering.

Quite hilariously, “Lisa vs Malibu Stacy” sees newsreader Kent Brockman speak at good length about the recognition of the playthings just before offhandedly closing the broadcast with a short mention that the president was arrested. While vague, it could be viewed that the episode not only predicted the craze of Barbie, but even foreshadowed the social response that starkly contrasted in between the political bombshell and the Barbie fanfare.

40 Robots as Librarians

“Lisa’s Wedding” – Season 6, Episode 19 (1995)

Robot librarian from The Simpsons

It would make sense that “Lisa’s Wedding,” an episode that is primarily a flashforward into the future, would have several Simpsons predictions. It’s centered on Lisa’s expertise with a fortune-teller, who predicts that she will fall in like and marry an upper-crust English man named Hugh Parkfield, whom she’ll meet at her future university. In that future, librarians have been replaced with robots.

In 2016, some brilliant Aberystwyth University students did precisely that by developing a prototype for a library robot that can stroll about and help persons. The robot’s name may sound familiar, as it is also known as Hugh. Hugh’s job is “to listen to [a person’s] request, find the book, and take” them there. With current advancements in robotics, it is protected to assume this will be a reality for several libraries about the planet quickly sufficient.

39 An All-You-Can-Eat Restaurant’s False Advertising

“New Kid on the Block” – Season 4, Episode 8 (1992)

The Frying Dutchman from The Simpsons

For Homer, the all-you-can-consume buffet by “The Frying Dutchman” was a dream come accurate. He requires complete benefit of the promotion by consuming for hours, finishing most of their products like the shrimp and two plastic lobsters. This causes management to get in touch with him “a remorseless eatin’ machine” and sooner or later kick him out of the restaurant, which could go bankrupt simply because of his patronage. Homer is annoyed and requires them to court for false marketing.

A true-planet court case would quickly take spot when a man from (coincidentally) Springfield, Massachusetts suesGolden Corral Corporation for $2 million for false marketing. This is following he’s kicked out of a single of their all-you-can-consume restaurants by a single of their workers. Much like Homer, the man ends up accepting an “out-of-court settlement.”

38 Doughnut-Shaped Universe

“They Saved Lisa’s Brain” – Season 10, Episode 22

Homer Simpsons sits in Moe's Tavern sharing a drink with Stephen Hawking in 'The Simpsons' Season 10, Episode 23 "They Saved Lisa's Brain" (1998).
Image through Fox

“They Saved Lisa’s Brain” is a busy episode of The Simpsons, following Lisa as a letter she writes regarding how Homer humiliated the city sees her inducted into Springfield’s Mensa society which then goes on to rule Springfield when Mayor Quimby flees. As the scenario escalates, Stephen Hawking arrives to see what the Mensa society has performed, declaring his disapproval of their actions just before going to Moe’s Tavern to share a drink with Homer.

While at the bar, Hawking compliments Homer on his theory of a doughnut-shaped universe, saying the thought is intriguing just before mentioning he may perhaps steal it for himself. Interestingly, there has been a theory of a doughnut, or rather a “torus,” shaped universe given that the 1980s. However, it has only risen to recognition early in the 2000s, which means Homer may perhaps have inspired a new understanding of how the universe functions.

37 Whacking Day

“Whacking Day” – Season 4, Episode 20 (1993)

Mayor Quimby and a crowd from The Simpsons Whacking Day

The episode “Whacking Day” is named following an annual tradition in Springfield exactly where the residents collect to joyfully beat snakes to death to allegedly hold the snake population below handle. Though it is mentioned to have originated from founder Jebediah Springfield, this is later confirmed to be false. Only the initially half of the plot has created it to true life, with the “Python Challenge” getting a equivalent thought.

The Florida Python Challenge calls on men and women to assistance handle the population of invasive Burmese pythons, and it has turn into a very anticipated annual occasion. With money prizes that go all the way up to $10,000, the occasion sees far more participants just about every year, with no soul singer like Barry White about to give them a cause to quit.

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36 A Late Letter From The Beatles

“Brush with Greatness” – Season 2, Episode 18 (1991)

Ringo Starr answering fan mail in The Simpsons

In the Season 2 episode “Brush with Greatness,” Marge picks up a paintbrush once more for the initially time in a extended time following understanding about the fate of her Ringo Starr portraits. One of the scenes in the episode shows Ringo Starr himself very carefully replying to numerous fan mail piled all about him, with several getting been written many years ago.

This is not as well far from a true-life occasion involving Paul McCartney, who replied to two fans from Essex, London in September 2013. This was a response to a letter they sent in 1963, which ended up in a auto boot sale. McCartney hilariously wrote back “better late than never” and thanked the fans for their “lovely tape.”

35 Daenerys Targaryen’s Villainous Turn

“The Serfsons” – Season 29, Episode 1 (2017)

The Simpsons The Serfsons

Game of Thrones will forever be remembered as a good fantasy show that went downhill and gave its fans a single of the worst Television finales ever. One of its most questionable plot points was on The Simpsons just before it ever created it on the HBO series. In “The Serfsons,” an episode that parodies Westeros and GoT in common, a dragon burns down the Serfsons’ village following Homer revived it.

This most likely reminds most of how Daenerys Targaryen’s Drogon burned King’s Landing in GoT, even following the persons had currently surrendered. It was an infuriating scene for several fans and critics, and it was only about to get worse, with Daenerys’ villainous turn transforming her arc in the worst way attainable.

34 Stealing Cooking Grease

“Lard of the Dance” – Season 10, Episode 1 (1998)

Homer fills the back of the car up with grease from Krusty Burger while Bart watches on bewildered in 'The Simpsons' Season 10, Episode 1 "Lard of the Dance" (1998).
Image through Fox

The Season 10 premiere may perhaps not mark a single of The Simpsons‘ most ground-breaking predictions, but it surely does include a single of the series’ most uncommon. “Lard of the Dance” sees Homer concoct an ambitious get-wealthy-swift scheme when they study from Apu that there is a marketplace in Springfield for utilized cooking grease. Dragging Bart along to assistance him, Homer tries to steal grease from Krusty Burger and even the college dance to collect sufficient grease to turn a profit.

The episode was pointed out in a New York Times short article from 2012 that confirmed that the series had created however a further baffling prediction. As it turns out, cooking oil grease can be recycled into biodiesel and animal feed, providing it a surprising marketplace worth. Eager to capitalize on that, thieves took inspiration from Homer Simpson to hit restaurants about New York to steal their grease in hopes of having some swift money.

33 Autocorrect

“Lisa on Ice” – Season 6, Episode 8 (1994)

The Newton in The Simpsons

“Lisa on Ice” sees the brightest Simpson in danger of failing thanks to new “Academic Alerts” that have identified fitness center class as her weak point. She instantly tries to modify this, attractive to her fitness center teacher and reaching an agreement about joining a sports plan outdoors of class. In the meantime, Martin is, as usual, in danger of bullying.

One scene sees college bullies study a memo to “beat up Martin,” only for the message to be scrambled to study “eat up Martha.” Anyone who’s ever knowledgeable the frustrations of autocorrect can instantly see the parallels right here, with the Newton device clearly becoming a quite early version of the iPhone.

32 A Submersible Disaster

“Homer’s Paternity Coot” – Season 17, Episode 10 (2006)

Homer Simpson in a submersible in The Simpsons

A far more current prediction from The Simpsons became clear earlier this year, when fans created the connection in between the Titanic submersible disaster and the episode “Homer’s Paternity Coot.” In the episode, Homer finds a man he thinks is his extended-lost father and agrees to venture into the depths of the ocean with him in an try to uncover an old ship. Disaster strikes and Homer gets stuck, but fortunately opens his eyes in a hospital a couple of days later.

Last June, a true-life submersible carrying 5 passengers toward the sunken Titanic sadly imploded. The expedition to see the wreck dominated conversations about the planet, and the tragedy has raised critical inquiries about security regulations and protocols to avert a equivalent occasion from ever taking place once more.

31 Planning to Block the Sun

“Who Shot Mr. Burns?” – Season 6, Episode 25 (1995)

Sideshow Mel - The Simpsons - Who Shot Mr Burns
Image through FOX

When oil is found correct beneath Springfield Elementary, Mr. Burns ruins any possibilities of monetary acquire for Principal Skinner and Superintendent Chalmers, who had began taking ideas from students and residents about what they should really do with their newfound income. Instead, Mr. Burns beats them to drilling the oil and subsequently blocks out the sun with a giant disc so just about every particular person in Springfield is forced to use power from his energy plant.

A true-life billionaire, George Soros, not too long ago had a equivalent thought, but not for the identical cause Mr. Burns did. At the Munich Security Conference, Soros recommended employing a cloud cover as a sort of shield more than the melting Arctic in an work to decrease worldwide warming. It’s a completely diverse intention, and truly a single worth rooting for.

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30 Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s Election

“West Wing Story” – Special Short (2019)

Kamala Harris standing next to Joe Biden in The Simpsons.

In a particular quick that requires aim at former President Donald Trump, The Simpsons parodies a song from West Side Story. In the method, it depicts a competitors of sorts in between Trump and other political figures like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. While this sing-off fortunately did not truly come about in true life, there is a quick scene that bears a shocking resemblance to current political modifications.

Director David Silverman shares the moment on X, recounting how he “set up this kick line for [the] ending,” which shows Trump standing subsequent to a line-up of dancers. One of pair of dancers standing there takes place to be President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, who weren’t operating mates at the time the quick aired. Addressing showrunner Al Jean, Silverman continues by asking if the just occurred to “predict [the] future again” by producing that scene.

29 FIFA Corruption Scandal

“You Don’t Have to Live Like a Referee” – Season 25, Episode 16 (2014)

Homer Simpson serves as a referee in the Fifa World Cup, blowing his whistle to make a decision that makes the Brazilian team cheer in 'The Simpsons' Season 25, Episode 16 "You Don't Have to Live Like a Referee" (2014).
Image through Fox

A The Simpsons episode that options not just a single but two major predictions that came to fruition, “You Don’t Have to Live Like a Referee” follows Homer as he becomes a referee in the World Cup and is approached by gangsters to repair benefits. The initially prediction the episode got correct was fairly harmless, with the episode featuring Germany emerging from the tournament as victors, which they went on to do, defeating Argentina 1-.

A significantly less innocent eventuality from the World Cup even though was the police raid on FIFA’s headquarters as the governing physique of the sport was investigated amid accusations of bribery, income laundering, and fraud. “You Don’t Have to Live Like a Referee” sees Homer land the job as a ref simply because FIFA struggles to overcome a referee shortage brought on by a corruption scandal.

28 A Cybertruck

“Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?” – Season 2, Episode 15 (1991)

Homer SImpson in The Homer in The Simpsons

Does any individual nevertheless recall the unfortunate and hilarious “The Homer”? Homer’s $82,000 ridiculous auto rapidly ruined his half-brother Herb Powell’s lavish life. Meant to cater to just about every American, Homer’s outlandish suggestions finish up producing a mess of a auto that tries difficult to be futuristic, but ends up hunting like trash in the method.

It’s a quite Homer factor to do in The Simpsons, and a single that has surprisingly been mirrored in true life… sort of. This may perhaps currently sound substantially like a not too long ago unveiled futuristic auto that was met with ridicule. Elon Musk’s Cybertruck may perhaps not appear something like The Homer, but the egocentric creation, crappy style, unwarranted anticipation, and important disappointment are far more than sufficient similarities to hyperlink the two.

27 Siegfried &amp Roy Tiger Attack

“$pringfield” – Season 5, Episode 10 (1993)

White tiger from the Siegfried & Roy Tiger Attack in The Simpsons

In “$pringfield, Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling,” Mr. Burns brings the luxurious and excessive Vegas culture to Springfield by developing a casino. A important act to draw crowds in is headlined by Gunter and Ernst, who are clear parallels to popular entertainers Siegfried and Roy. During their overall performance, their educated white tiger abruptly turns on them and mauls them.

In a shocking turn of events in 2003, Roy Horn’s reside overall performance with a single of their white tigers, Montecore, goes horribly incorrect when he’s attacked. He survived it but sustained significant injuries that have impacted the trajectory of his profession. It’s a disturbingly precise and unfortunate prediction that most fans are most likely familiar with.

26 The God Particle

“The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace” – Season 10, Episode 2 (1998)

Homer scribbling on a chalkboard in The Simpsons

One of the most shocking Simpsons predictions however, “The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace” shows Homer’s attempts at becoming an influential inventor like Thomas Edison. In a tiny element of the episode, Homer’s seemingly nonsensical writing on a chalkboard reveals itself to be a complicated math equation.

Renowned British science writer Simon Singh told The Independent that Homer’s final figure on the chalkboard is not as well far from the 2012 CERN Higgs boson discovery. “If you work it out, you get the mass of a Higgs boson that’s only a bit larger than the nano-mass of [what] a Higgs boson actually is,” Singh mentioned. “It’s kind of amazing as Homer makes this prediction 14 years before it was discovered.”

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