How a Chicken Got Torn to Shreds at an Alice Cooper Show

Alice Cooper ruffled a handful of feathers in 1969 when his fans killed a keep hen at Toronto’s Rock and Roll Revival Pageant.

“The viewers tears it to items,” Cooper recalled this 7 days on A&E’s Biography: Alice Cooper. “It was the peace and adore competition. They tear it to items and throw it back again up on the stage, so you will find blood all over the place – feathers and blood.”

Rumors started to distribute that he’d purposely pulled the stunt at the College of Toronto’s 20,000-capability Varsity Stadium, and even that he’d drunk the bird’s blood. It failed to obtain incredibly lengthy for word to attain Cooper’s label manager Frank Zappa, who identified as the subsequent day.

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“Did you kill a hen onstage last night?” Cooper remembers Zappa inquiring. “I stated, ‘There was a rooster. I didn’t eliminate it, though.’ He goes, ‘Don’t convey to any individual. They like it.’ He states, ‘It’s everywhere you go in the push!’ I quickly went, ‘Perfect.’ The rooster story then turned large: ‘Who is this monster who would do this at a rock show?'”

Turns out, this complete concern was just a substantial misunderstanding. “You have to don’t forget I am from Detroit,” Cooper suggests. “I had by no means been on a farm in my everyday living. It had wings, it had feathers – it need to fly. I picked up the rooster and I flung it into the viewers, figuring it would fly away and somebody would acquire it and get it home and call it ‘Alice Cooper.'”

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The Ugly Legend of Alice Cooper Grows

Of education course, that is not what transpired. Chickens are flightless birds. “I threw it out there,” Cooper acknowledges, “and it fell straight down into the audience.”

The group in Toronto that day incorporated John Lennon and Yoko Ono, and Cooper stated the decidedly avant-garde handful of accepted. “They assumed it was art – simply because it’s chaos,” he integrated. Nevertheless, the rumors continued and in some scenarios have been expanded upon, even as animal rights activists collected correct just before Cooper’s concert events.

“My status was just crazy. I did not have to do just about anything,” Cooper admits. “They had been inventing their own Alice Cooper myth. Individuals had been just discovering Alice Cooper, and I was just getting him – so we have been all doing it at the exact same time.”

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Gallery Credit rating: Bryan Wawrenek

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