Robert Downey Jr., Iron Man

Robert Downey Jr. “surprisingly” open to Iron Man return

Robert Downey Jr. says he is “surprisingly open-minded” when it will come to return as Iron Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Robert Downey Jr., Iron Man

Robert Downey Jr. set the tone for the full Marvel Cinematic Universe with his portrayal of Tony Stark/Iron Man, but quickly soon after added than a ten years, the actor bid farewell to the function in Avengers: Endgame. Whilst it may well really feel like Downey Jr. has moved on from Marvel, he has been added vocal about his willingness to return above the quite final calendar year.

Even even though speaking with Jodie Foster for Variety’s Actors on Actors, Downey Jr. mentioned he was “remarkably open up-minded” to returning as Tony Stark. “It’s just crazily in my DNA. In all probability the most like-me character I have at any time performed, even although he’s way cooler than I am,” he stated. “I’ve come to be astonishingly open-minded to the notion. Between ‘Nyad’ and [‘Night Country’] and, for me, ‘Oppenheimer’ and then ‘Sympathizer,’ it actually is mad mostly simply because we glance rather quite excellent. I was basically browsing at the stills we have been obtaining, building assured: ‘Do we even now search kind of Ok?’ I’m like, ‘We appear rather very good.’

Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige has formerly claimed that they would not undo Tony Stark’s demise in Avengers: Endgame. “We are heading to preserve that second and not touch that moment all over again,” Feige explained. “We all worked quite hard for a lot of many years to get to that, and we would never ever want to magically undo it in any way.” There are even now a good deal of approaches for Robert Downey Jr. to return with out undoing Stark’s death, such as flashbacks, time journey, or even a Multiverse variant, but have to it take place?

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The MCU franchise has strike a rough patch provided that Avengers: Endgame, which has even forced the studio to obtain a breath and do a small inventive retooling on their approaching slate. Bringing once again Tony Stark require to come to really feel like a superior way to create some curiosity, but the franchise need to actually actually be prepared to survive without having him at this situation. That reported, there have been rumblings that Downey Jr. could return as a villainous Iron Man variant in Avengers: Solution Wars, and I require to confess that has piqued my curiosity.

Downey Jr. was most not as well extended ago observed enjoying lots of roles in The Sympathizer, an HBO miniseries centered on Viet Thanh Nguyen’s Pulitzer Prize-productive novel. You can confirm out a overview from our private Alex Maidy appropriate proper right here.

Would you like to see Robert Downey Jr. return as Iron Person (in any sort), or have to his character be left alone?

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