Warning! This article contains spoilers for Silo season 2’s episode 6.
While Bernard and Lukas have yet to fully interpret the enigmatic message contained in Salvador Quinn’s letter, fans have developed a compelling Silo season 2 theory that offers insights into its possible implications. Despite Silo season 2, similar to its first season, being inspired by Hugh Howey’s Silo novels, it has taken numerous creative liberties, resulting in a series that diverges significantly from the original source material. Nevertheless, the Apple TV+ sci-fi series maintains the spirit of the books while incorporating distinctive narrative arcs and character developments that may be unfamiliar to readers.
One pivotal character in this narrative is the enigmatic Salvador Quinn, who held the position of mayor of Silo 18 during the last rebellion. Although the circumstances surrounding Quinn remain largely undisclosed, various plot developments in Silo season 2 have revealed that he left behind a cryptic message for his wife in a letter. Tim Robbins’ character, Bernard, had previously destroyed the hard drive containing Quinn’s message. However, after Meadows references it just before her demise, Bernard’s intrigue is piqued, leading him to recruit Lukas for assistance in decoding it.
Unraveling the Mysteries of Salvador Quinn’s Message in Silo Season 2
Viewers Begin to Interpret the Initial Lines of the Message
Despite Lukas’s success in repairing the damaged hard drive and retrieving numerous files, deciphering Quinn’s letter proves to be a challenging endeavor. He attempts a Caesar shift method for decoding, but this approach falls short. In the gripping final moments of Silo season 2 episode 6, Bernard appoints Lukas as his shadow, granting him access to “The Legacy” with the hope that it will facilitate the unraveling of the mystery. While the outcome of Lukas’s decoding efforts remains uncertain, some viewers on Reddit have already begun to interpret the encoded lines of the message:
“If you?ve gotten this far you already know.
The game is rigged.
We think we?re the chosen ones, but we?re only one of many.
The founders didn?t build a single silo.
They built fifty.
And they created the safeguard.
We have been lied to.
We are not safe.
Our home is not a sanctuary but a trap.
The fate of this silo is determined by another.
One with the power to kill everyone here in an instant, reason be damned.
If you don?t believe me, go to the very bottom of the silo, down the tunnel; you will get confirmation there.”
Unpacking the Warnings of Salvador Quinn in Silo Season 2
The Letter Reveals the Truth About Bernard’s World
The opening lines of Quinn’s message indicate a belief among the characters that they are the chosen ones. This notion suggests that both Quinn and Bernard were misled into thinking their Silo was intended to repopulate the world once the outside environment becomes suitable for life again. However, as the letter reveals, this belief is indeed a fabrication, as the creators established a total of fifty silos. Furthermore, Quinn’s characterization of their Silo as a trap rather than a sanctuary implies that they may be unwitting participants in a larger experiment designed to assess which Silo would ultimately succeed in repopulating the earth.

Silo: What Happened To Sheriff Billings’ Syndrome
The symptoms of Sheriff Billings’ Syndrome dramatically decrease in Silo season 2’s episode 6, prompting questions about the enigmatic nature of his illness.
Quinn’s letter also insinuates the existence of another silo with the capability to eliminate residents in all other silos instantly. This revelation could shed light on Bernard’s escalating concern regarding the rebellion, as he understands that if the situation spirals out of control, the inhabitants of the dominant silo will not hesitate to eradicate Silo 18 and its citizens. Furthermore, it is plausible that the residents of Silo 17 were exterminated by the creators residing in the primary powerful silo referenced in Quinn’s message.
In cases where chaos erupts within a silo, the creators likely deploy “the safeguard,” which entails refreshing everyone’s memories with a drug.
The letter also alludes to a safeguard, which could relate to the cleaning protocol utilizing the memory-altering drug. In scenarios where disorder ensues within a silo, the creators might activate “the safeguard,” a process that refreshes everyone’s memories through the drug. Alternatively, the safeguard might refer to a secure location in the external environment, designated specifically for the survivors of the chosen silo. The concluding portion of the message urges the reader to journey down the tunnel at the silo’s base to uncover proof, suggesting that the tunnel may lead to other silos.
Bernard’s Potential Response to Salvador Quinn’s Ominous Warning
The Ominous Warning May Transform Bernard’s Perception of Reality
The extent of Bernard’s knowledge regarding their world remains somewhat ambiguous. However, numerous plot developments in Silo season 2 imply that he possesses certain half-truths about the potential repercussions of a rebellion. For instance, his reaction upon witnessing Juliette entering another silo early in Silo season 2 is not one of surprise. What truly frightens him is the discovery that all the citizens of that other silo are dead. This revelation suggests that he has been aware of the existence of other silos for an extended period. However, he may not fully comprehend that only one of the numerous silos was ultimately destined to be selected.
Silo season 2 follows the narrative arcs from the latter half of Hugh Howey’s first Silo book, Wool.
Once Bernard decodes Quinn’s message and grasps the horrifying reality of the inhumane experiment they are entangled in, his reaction may parallel that of Meadows. Meadows, who was once Bernard’s loyal shadow, experienced a profound shift in perspective after reading Quinn’s letter, realizing that their world was more dire than she had ever envisioned. After Bernard comes to the same realization in upcoming episodes of Silo, he may also begin to question his role as a leader and resort to drastic actions.