Includes MASSIVE SPOILERS for The Stormlight Archive through Wind and TruthThe Stormlight Archive book 5, Wind and Truth, showcases a notable Cosmere cameo that serves as an excellent prompt to explore one of Brandon Sanderson’s thrilling fantasy book releases from 2023. As a pivotal storyline within the expansive Cosmere universe, The Stormlight Archive has increasingly interwoven with Sanderson’s other interconnected series and standalone works with each new release. Wind and Truth brims with references and appearances from various Cosmere characters, prominently featuring Ulaam, a character first introduced in the Mistborn series.
Wind and Truth’s climactic conclusion sees Hoid (Wit) facing a shocking fate as he is vaporized by Retribution, a newly formed entity that combines the powers of Odium and Honor?s Shards. Despite his physical destruction, Hoid remarkably regenerates shortly after on Scadrial, thanks to advanced technology. Upon awakening, he encounters Ulaam, who discloses that they are in his laboratory, revealing that they had previously devised a plan for a situation where Hoid might need to restore his body using a cell culture left behind on the Mistborn world.
Discover Ulaam’s Significant Role in Tress of the Emerald Sea
Ulaam Joins the Crew of the Crow’s Song in Sanderson’s Swashbuckling Adventure
While Ulaam was first introduced in The Lost Metal, his character truly shines in 2023’s Tress of the Emerald Sea, part of Brandon Sanderson’s Secret Project collection. In this captivating novel, the protagonist Tress embarks on a thrilling adventure aboard a pirate ship named the Crow’s Song. Notably, Hoid, who narrates the tale, is also part of the ship’s crew, albeit under a curse that limits his usual eloquence and wit. This unique predicament leads Hoid to summon Ulaam to the planet Lumar, where he joins the crew as their skilled surgeon, bringing depth and expertise to the group.
Ulaam is often played for laughs, but he’s undoubtedly a dignified character with a broader knowledge of the Cosmere.
Without delving into too many specifics of Tress of the Emerald Sea’s plot, it is essential to highlight that Ulaam stands out as a remarkable supporting character within Sanderson’s vibrant ensemble. While he often provides comic relief, his character possesses a profound knowledge of the Cosmere that adds layers to the narrative. Overall, this book encapsulates one of Sanderson’s most whimsical and enchanting tales. Although it may not carry the same epic weight or significance to the Cosmere as The Stormlight Archive, it nonetheless ventures into intriguing aspects of Sanderson’s fantasy universe that readers will undoubtedly appreciate.

The Stormlight Archive Book 5 Quietly Sets Up Each Of Its Main Flashback Characters For Arc 2
Brandon Sanderson has concluded many of the main arcs of The Stormlight Archive, but he also laid out the foundations for new ones in Wind and Truth.
Ulaam Revealed as a Kandra from the Mistborn Series
Understanding Kandra: The Shapeshifting Species from Scadrial
Prior to his appearance in Tress of the Emerald Sea, Ulaam made his debut in The Lost Metal, where he is introduced as a kandra alongside notable characters TenSoon and Melaan. Kandra, a unique species originating from Scadrial, were created by The Lord Ruler and possess the extraordinary ability of shapeshifting. This remarkable skill mandates that their shapeshifting target be deceased, allowing them to utilize the bones of the fallen to assume their form. Given their remarkable shapeshifting abilities, Sanderson has hinted at the presence of kandra worldhoppers in The Stormlight Archive, prompting fans to speculate on the identities and roles of these intriguing characters.

The Stormlight Archive
The Stormlight Archive is an epic fantasy series by Brandon Sanderson, set on the storm-ravaged world of Roshar. The series follows multiple characters, each with their unique storylines, as they navigate political intrigue, ancient prophecies, and powerful magic. Central to the story are the Knights Radiant, legendary warriors with magical abilities who must return to save their world from impending destruction. The series explores themes of honor, leadership, and the burden of power.
- Created by
Brandon Sanderson
- Character(s)
Kaladin Stormblessed, Shallan Davar, Dalinar Kholin, Adolin Kholin, Jasnah Kholin, Szeth-son-son-Vallano, Navani Kholin